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Serving Lafayette, Louisville, Erie, Boulder
and the Boulder County Area
Baseline Dental
Baseline Dental
Linda Newsome
Why not have the white smile that you have always wanted!
Today there is no need to suffer from social embarrassment or psychological trauma because of stained or discolored teeth. Suitable cosmetic dental treatment can provide both predictable and positive long-term results. This procedure is a conservative approach to rejuvenating your smile.
Teeth Whitening
In Office Whitening (Laser Whitening)
This procedure is performed in our office in about an hour with a high concentration of whitening gel and the use of light activation. Here at Baseline Dental when in office whitening is chosen by our patients, they see whiter teeth in just one hour. During that time our patients can listen to relaxing music, and for their comfort use neck and back pillows. Tooth whitening services are growing in popularity and are one of the most requested services by our patients.
Nothing improves your appearance like a
Take Home Whitening
Whiten your teeth at your convenience. For this option, whitening gel is placed inside custom made whitening trays and worn for a certain amount of time during each day for at least 2 weeks. These custom whitening trays are made in our office from accurate and precise dental impressions of your teeth. These whitening trays are custom trimmed for a perfect fit. We have had patients see results in just one application.
Office whitening and Take Home Whitening can also be used together.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are all-ceramic restorations that are bonded to the front of your teeth that are very natural looking. This procedure can close spaces between teeth, reshape chipped or worn teeth, and whiten discolored smiles. Your smile makeover can be completed in as few as two appointments. If you are a candidate, we can give you a beautiful smile that you always wanted with no shots, no drilling and no pain!
Why do teeth stain?
Stains beneath the tooth enamel are known as intrinsic stains. This type of staining is commonly caused by:
Defects within the tooth
Use of certain antibiotics during tooth development
Also, your diet can affect the brightness of your smile. The following foods and beverages often cause tooth stains:
Tobacco products
Coffee, tea or red wine
Colored juices or cola drinks
Curry or soy
Minerals in well water