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ACTUAL CASE:  We had a patient come to our office with high anxiety and refused to get any dental treatment done.  She felt so overwhelmed that she would cry when she was in the chair getting ready to have treatment done. We offered her oral sedation and what a difference it made.  The patient was a lot more calm and relaxed so Dr. Newsome was able to complete all of her dental treatment to get her back to optimal dental health.  This patient now keeps all of her regular dental appointments and is happy to come in for her visits.

Oral Sedation


Oral sedation has become a popular part of modern dentistry.  With so many patients putting off dental visits because of dental fear and anxiety the dental industry has stepped up with a solution to their problems.  Statistics show that a large percentage of Americans suffer from dental anxiety and dental phobia, this is more serious than just getting sweaty palms at the thought of going to the dentist- it’s a paralyzing fear of dentist or dental treatment.


Dr. Newsome is using oral sedation dentistry to help our patients get the dental treatment they need. This is a type of conscious sedation that puts you in a relaxed state during the dental procedures.  Oral sedation is exactly what it sounds like: medication taken orally to relieve dental fear and anxiety.  You will remain conscious, relaxed and be able to respond to Dr. Newsome’s instructions during the treatment.


How Dental Anxiety Affects Your Overall Health

Skipping regular dental visits leave your teeth vulnerable to tooth decay, and when cavities form, bad breath follows. As a result, your self-confidence is compromised, which can limit your social interactions.


It is one thing when anxiety affects your relationships but something else altogether when it begins to impact your physical well-being.  The health consequences of dental anxiety are very real and can be quite serious.  In fact, if you put off dental visits, your teeth and gums become chronically infected and result in severe dental problems such as:

  • Affect your ability to chew and digest properly

  • Leads to periodontal disease

  • Leads to heart disease and has a bad effect on your overall health (because plaque buildup travels through your blood stream)



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